quinta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2011

Let's Be Freaks atualizado

I think this is the same woman… SHE IS BAD TO THE BONE!
148 notes | Permalink

JONOblog: The Music Industry Is Dying.. So? DO SOMETHING!

The idea for this rant all started when I was watching Weezer videos from 1996 during the “Pinkerton” album cycle. I started thinking how much magic the 90s had when it came to good music. I think of the bands that started in the 90s like Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World, Weezer and how they still…
So into this.
Since Paramore has been playing bigger venues, I am heart broken every time I hear what we’re being told to sell the tix for. I fight it every time. Personally, I feel that we as a band, along with the venue and anyone else involved would make just as much if prices were lowered but we were able to sell a larger amount. It’s just a delicate balance. And honestly, I don’t believe that people should have to choose between seeing a show or buying groceries for the week. In which dilemma, I would easily go with the groceries - but that’s because I’m a closet fatty. Bottom line for me is, yeah, I see the difference between playing clubs and playing an arena… I know that it’s not cheap to put on an arena/amphitheater show… but let’s get MORE people to the show and we’ll pay it off that way. When we have a packed out show, I think to myself that whoever says the music industry is missing the point. Literally off their rocker. People haven’t STOPPED loving music. They don’t want to not experience it. The sooner the industry gets smart to that idea, the more people’s faith in music will be restored. 
But in all honesty, surely you can’t be fighting it that hard if your still willing to play the big shows while your fans have to pay out their arses to buy tickets as well as travel to see the show. 
If we’re still willing? Of course we’re going to play to as many people as we can. For one, because this may not last forever. Eventually we could just as well be playing the New Brookland Tavern again and quite honestly, I’d be alright with that. (It’s one of the best). Look, the industry is a huge, tired monster. Sometimes the least AND the most you can do is express your honest opinion to the “top dogs”. You’ve got people like Jono who do that. And he’s just one of the many disgruntled youth who are wrapped up in this machine. We try our best to voice our issues with “business” to the people who we feel need to hear it and sometimes we get exactly the result we hope for… and sometimes we don’t. But if we are persistent and continue to care about the artistry and the passion that people put into all of this, then eventually the people who need to hear it won’t be able to ignore us.
Reblogged from beatyourheartout- with 810 notes | Permalink




No thanks, I don’t want to grow up. 
No thanks, I don’t want to grow up.
Reblogged from atompunk with 1,167 notes | Permalink

JONOblog: The Music Industry Is Dying.. So? DO SOMETHING!

The idea for this rant all started when I was watching Weezer videos from 1996 during the “Pinkerton” album cycle. I started thinking how much magic the 90s had when it came to good music. I think of the bands that started in the 90s like Foo Fighters, Jimmy Eat World, Weezer and how they still…
So into this.
Since Paramore has been playing bigger venues, I am heart broken every time I hear what we’re being told to sell the tix for. I fight it every time. Personally, I feel that we as a band, along with the venue and anyone else involved would make just as much if prices were lowered but we were able to sell a larger amount. It’s just a delicate balance. And honestly, I don’t believe that people should have to choose between seeing a show or buying groceries for the week. In which dilemma, I would easily go with the groceries - but that’s because I’m a closet fatty. Bottom line for me is, yeah, I see the difference between playing clubs and playing an arena… I know that it’s not cheap to put on an arena/amphitheater show… but let’s get MORE people to the show and we’ll pay it off that way. When we have a packed out show, I think to myself that whoever says the music industry is missing the point. Literally off their rocker. People haven’t STOPPED loving music. They don’t want to not experience it. The sooner the industry gets smart to that idea, the more people’s faith in music will be restored.
Reblogged from jonathandiener with 810 notes | Permalink

This made my entire night.
wow. so  so precious. youtube sensation here you come!
When she yawns!! Hahah! This brought the biggest smile to my face. Gonna watch it 100 times.
Reblogged from mindymaygan with 1,828 notes | Permalink

"We laughed and laughed, together and separately, out loud and silently, we were determined to ignore whatever needed to be ignored, to build a new world from nothing if nothing in our world could be salvaged, it was one of the best days of my life, a day during which I lived my life and didn’t think about my life at all."

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (via illuminatedchaos)
(Source: quote-book)
Reblogged from quote-book with 1,916 notes | Permalink

Shake that ass, whatcho self

Shake that ass, whatcho self
Reblogged from steveisthereason with 249 notes | Permalink
Damn You Allergies.


241 notes | Permalink
I hate when I leave books at home that I wanna bring on trips! I really wanted to finish that Charlie Chaplin biography. Anyways.. /rant.
288 notes | Permalink
Writing History?


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